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The Encyclopedia of the Gothic ebook download

The Encyclopedia of the Gothic ebook download

The Encyclopedia of the Gothic. William Hughes

The Encyclopedia of the Gothic

ISBN: 9781119064602 | 880 pages | 22 Mb

Download The Encyclopedia of the Gothic

The Encyclopedia of the Gothic William Hughes
Publisher: Wiley

Although the Gothic is a notoriously slippery and diverse genre, its preoccupation with otherness is foundational. The Encyclopedia of the Gothic brings together entries from over 120 contributors around the world. Read a free sample or buy The Encyclopedia of the Gothic, 2 Volumes by William Hughes, David Punter & Andrew Smith. Welcome to the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature; a vast library that gives published in January 2013, comprises The Encyclopedia of the Gothic. Cryptonymy, as it is used in psychoanalytic theory and adapted to Gothic studies, refers to a term coined by Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok. The Encyclopedia of the Gothic by William Hughes, David Punter, Andrew Smith, 9781119064602, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. The term “Gothic” had various, often conflicting, meanings across a range of discourses in eighteenth-century England. Superficially, an encyclopedia on the Gothic seems like a conceptual oxymoron. Postcolonial Gothic combines two complex, contested terms. William Wordsworth (1770–1850) is not customarily thought of as a Gothic writer. Drugs and alcohol and the associated theme of addiction have assumed a significant place in Gothic literature since at least the 1790s. The Encyclopedia of the Novel (Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of The Encyclopedia of the Gothic (Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature).

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